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A cancer diagnosis can be a burden for patients and their families, as well as for the employer in terms of productivity, cost, and workplace morale.
From 2021 to 2022, the average employer contribution to health accounts grew
30% while contributions to plan premiums grew 2%.
Early detection and prevention can save lives and reduce the burden and cost of cancer. An estimated 3.2 million cancer deaths, in the US, have been averted since 1991 because of improvements in early detection and treatment, as well as reductions in smoking.
Cost of Cancer by the Numbers
83% of employers say cancer is in top 3 conditions driving their
health care costs
74% of patients/survivors missed work due to their cancer with 69% missing 4+ weeks
40% of survivors can experience long-term psychological effects impacting productivity and social interaction
Cost of care for most common cancer types in US ~$156.2B for privately insured adults <65 years
Prevention and Wellness programs deliver benefits and ROI!
About 18% of cancer cases and 16% of cancer deaths can be attributed to a combination of excess body weight, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, and alcohol intake. Wellness programs incorporating interventions that target healthy eating and physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and other key risk factors can improve health and health care costs.
Benefits of Investing in Preventive Care and Wellness
Lower Cost
Absenteeism costs fall ` $2.73 for every dollar spent on wellness programs
Improved Retention
79% of employees say benefits are an important factor in deciding to remain with their current company
Return on Investment
For every dollar an employer spends on workforce health, they earn back $1.47
Sign up for our Employer Cancer Awareness Toolkits and Screening Resources
For more information on building a healthier workplace, please contact Tressa Malone at:
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